неделя, 26 декември 2010 г.
21.12.2010: The Ball
On 21.12.2010 was our Christmas Ball. I was ecxited all the day. It the first ball which was olrganized by us. I dodn't know how the public will perceive the atmosphere. And this made me nervous. My classmates and I went there an hour later because we had to check the tickets of the guests. After all of them came we relaxed because we saw that they had a lot of fun while the performance was going on. Two of our classmates were presenters. We were all so excited..........
Decoration of the Christmas Ball and visiting the Local Resident Home for Old People

After our visiting we went bach to school and start our decoration of the auditorium for the Christmass Ball. Thefre were some boys who were helping us. It was so fun but I'd felt very tired after that, even it didn't need a lot of time. I think that our decoration is perfect . We have suspend so much stars on the roof of the auditorium. The stars were handmade by our classmate. I really like the atmosphere in the auditorium and I think that the other people will approve it too. Although I hope them to have fun, and we will carry on this. :):):)
The Christmas Auction
This was very funny and new event for me. We sold all the bottles and other thing which we had prepared for charity. I am so proud that I took part in something like this, because I feel helpful to the people in need. I think that this is so important in the world of today and more people should do things like that.
15.12.2010 Yoga class
On 15th of December we had a yoga lesson. This was a very interesting lesson. After the lesson I felt so relaxed. December is the most heavy mounth and we needed this class. Every single time when we have a yoga class I feel my prgress. This time I've felt much more experienced than the privious. I feel flexible alwready and I'm proud with myself because we don't have yoga very often, but dispite this fact I have a progress, I learn how to do the excercises better and how to relax properly. I really feel better than before I started yoga and I'm reqally happy by this starting and the advance I have in it.
сряда, 22 декември 2010 г.
A Letter to Santa Claus
The letter contains two events- bazaar and auction. It asks Santa Claus to make the people being much more sympathetic, helpfuland charitable.

The Voluntary group

Some information: A voluntary association or union (also sometimes called a voluntary organization, unincorporated association, or just an association) is a group of individuals who enter into an agreement as volunteers to form a body (or organization) to accomplish a purpose. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voluntary_association )
понеделник, 6 декември 2010 г.
Christmas Decoration
On 1st December we have decorated the School hall. As I expected it took a lot of time, but I think that the result of our work was perfect. I had a lot of fun with my classmated, despite I was so tired and absent-minded and I couldn't concentrate very well. but we did it. Some girls and I have decorated the security comparment and at the end I think that was the most beautiful part of the whole hall (excluding the christmas tree). I had a lot of fun but I still don't have any christmas mood. I am not in mood to celebrate, but I hope that soon I will be able to take my christmas hat and I look forward that soon I will have the mood that is expected from a young person like me, these days.
неделя, 5 декември 2010 г.
1.12.2010. World AIDS Day
In the morning of 1st December we give stigmas, condoms and cards of the students that were comeing to school. I think that all of the people have to be informed about the AIDS. Actions like this rememind the people to be carefull and take care of theirselves.I'm satisfied that I took part in this action, I feel useful when I do it because this is one of the most serious disease in the world and somehow I help the people.
Our Christmas Activities
On 29th of December our Charity club had a meeting for the future Christmas activities, we take part in big part of them, but I'm scared that we would't be abble to realize all of them. In spite of this fact I believe that we will do an effort to execute them. An I will be sattisfied if we do this. But I'm so tired by everything- all the work we have, all the actions we make, all the hard work and studying. I need to relax. But.... I will survive somehow.
Despite the fact that I'exhausted, I'm strong enough to do all the activities I have to do.
Despite the fact that I'exhausted, I'm strong enough to do all the activities I have to do.
Selling coverts

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