On 8-th of november we had a theatre performance. It was named "The Iron Candlestick". There is a bulgarian book "The Iron Candlestick" written by Dimiar Tallev. The play and the book had to be similar and we thought that when we wach the play we will understand the book better, but the play was so different. It hadn't got more similarities with the book, but despite these facts the performance was nice. My classmates didn't like it, but I think that if you take the view that despite their similar names, they have different characters you will find the beauty in the performance too.
On 10th of November we had a performance in a local theater and we all go and watch it. It was a nice performance. The whole events, which it contained were wonderful and unexpected they were unusual. But it was great at all. But the most amazing thing was that there was a Bulgarian famous actor, who plays in a movie- the most famous serial movie in Bulgaria. The actor's name is Kallin Vrachanski. He is very beautiful and some of his features are similar to my ex-boyfriend. This fact makes me feel sad and at the same time it reminds me the time when I was with him, the time when I felt much more happy than I feel now. But I feel satisfied by the performance at all. I'm happy that I see this famous person and I took an autograph from him.
I hope that soon I'll have a chance and, generally some free time to go and watch another performence. Because the theater makes me feel better. I like watching the actors, when I know that they play live. It is wonderful.
(These are the links from the pictures: http://teentime.blog.bg/photos/81689/original/Kazanlak/JSV.jpg ; http://www.club.bg/news/index/nid/299890 )