24.10.2011 Collecting Clothes
On 24th of October we had all the clothes needed for the orphans from Balvan Village. I had a lot of fun with my classmates while collecting the clothes, we packed them into sacks. Even we put on some clothes. Like the previous year I enjoyed it so much. I’m so happy that I could help these children and I’m so proud with the task we do.
20.10.2011 Sophisticated Art Club

On 20th of October it was our first Decoration Club. We had very interesting task to do. We had to paint a CD disk with dye. As a basis there was a mucilage which we had to smear it. After that when we put the dye on disk it was spilling very nice and the disk became very beautiful (There are pictures of the disks I've made). This art was new for me but I like it (I like everything related to the art). I can’t wait for the next Decoration Class.
17.10.2011 Second Training
On 17th of October it was our second meeting of the GLOW association. It was related with the way of presenting a presentation and how it could be effective and interesting to the other. This meeting was not that interesting, but I liked the topic, because everyone (especially the students) should receive this knowledge about the presentations. Also the meeting took the attention of everyone and was kind of fun. It was not interesting like the first meeting but I liked it and I enjoyed the way it was presented. I hope the next our meeting will be better.
10.10. 2011 Charity meeting
On 10th October we had organizational meeting about the school Charity, the decoration club. We decided when our future meetings are going to be.
We also planned one charity campaign about collecting clothes for orphans from Balvan. I really enjoy collecting clothes because the campaign helps many children. Also we have a lot of fun while collecting the clothes.
6.10.2011 Training
On the 6th of October a new Training club was established it is called GLOW association. It is related to the leadership, people’s relations. I thought it would be such a boring meeting but actually it was not and I was surprised by this club. The first Training meeting was to join us to the club and there were some interesting games about us. It started with presentation about – what could be the impact of someone’s behavior upon the other people. It was interesting, despite the fact that there were presented things I’ve already knew. After the presentation there was a game in which we were divided into some groups in which we’ve presented some situations related with the presentation. My group’s situation was about 3 girls. One of them was asking questions, the other one was trying to talk to the first, but the third one (Me) was interrupting the other. The idea was to present how unpleasant is when somebody is interrupting you and how stupid it looks. I had a lot of fun while doing this game. After that we had another game. It was childish and I felt like I’m in Children Garden while doing this exercise, but anyway it was so fun and I liked it so much. There were two circles in two different halls. We were 30 people and we had to stay in one of the two circles. In the other circle there were numbers. We had to go from our circle to the other one taking a step to only one number. Every next person who was going to the circle, filled with numbers, had to take a step on the following numbers and this lasts until we did it making no mistakes (talking and taking a step on wrong number was a mistake :D) We have finished the game only for 7/8 minutes out of 15 and I am so proud with the result. Because we were 30 people and we worked as a team (despite the fact we did some mistakes and we had to start the game from the beginning). I liked the Organization and I am sure that everybody does. I’ll be there for every meeting.
Decorative Club
These are some of the explanations which my teacher gave me about the shadows |
On 5th of october
I had an Art class too and I’ve spent 5 hours drawing some simple shapes. I am amazed how difficult drawing is. But also I am amazed by the result at the end of my classes I was drawing those shapes free and without facing difficulties. My Art teacher helped me to make a poster for the “Slavi Show”, which we will visit at the end of the November. It became so beautiful.
4.10.2011 First CAS meeting for the new school year
On 4th of October was the first meeting for the new school year. Also this CAS meeting was organizational meeting and we have planed our Planning Page for the Third term of our IB educationL. This is the year I am graduating and now I’m feeling not very good, looking at this fact. But up to now I’m not depressed maybe because it is not the end of the year. I know that it would be the time for the “Great Depression”. The planning page which we prepared is stated below:
Personal Planning Page - 3 term
Decorative club
Preparing posters
Creating “smiles”
Theatre performance
Visiting a museum
Visiting the “Slavi Show”
Trip to Sofia
Bowling competition
Charity club
Volunteer club - trainings
Collecting clothes for charity
World AIDS day
Christmas Bazaar
Christmas Charity Ball
International day of smile
Total hours: 71
Project: Loocal project- IB newspaper
International project-European Volunteery Corpus